The Bronx Times published an op-ed by ICD's Co-Presidents titled "Op-Ed: Bronx educators help youth with disabilities transition from school to career.” In it, they highlight ICD's new "School to Success" program that was launched last year at Discovery High School in the Bronx and Richmond Hill High School in Queens.

The piece cites various partners that make this program successful and impactful for students with disabilities as they transition from high school to career success, including Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Montefiore Health System, Center for an Urban Future, and The Bridgespan Group.

In the piece, ICD’s Co-Presidents say,

The navigators are available to work with any student who has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan – to guide the students in envisioning and pursuing fulfilling careers. They work with students starting in the 9th grade and continuing through at least one-year post-graduation to provide a host of services from in-depth evaluations and career exploration activities to connecting students to real-world work experiences and advanced post-secondary training.

To read the full piece, click here.

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